power of Green

CRank: 6Score: 155755

I went ahead and agreed because you are right about devs giving priority to PS3 is not likely, although I dissagree with why it would be a bad idea(PS3 sales reflect much more than a bad economy)

The game market is the only market that is not effected ^ lol.

5641d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

The Wii is not going to cause anybody to go mad. lol

Most don't even consider it in the same market bracket(like hand-helds)

5642d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How do you have so many bubbles?.

Think of it this way, atleast the 360 is doing well enough to even be considered/memtioned in the figures. lol

5642d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the point is that "only 7 million" was just "4 million" just a few months ago. lol

5642d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

NAH as you can look up, the trend seems to back what I'm saying lol.

5643d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

I was just in the GTA4 PC vs 360 thread below and I agree, the PC version crushes the 360 version.

5643d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

(PLEASE)Don't use logic here, the NPD and other trust-worthy tracking companies don't mean anything here.

5643d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment

PC version is way more clearer with more natual looking light,colors.

PC is superior. Keep in mind the 360 version was held back by the PS3 although the PC is superior to consoles.

5643d ago 13 agree21 disagreeView comment

Lots considering many 360 fans are former Nintendo fanboys.

5643d ago 6 agree22 disagreeView comment

My PC shows me more detail than everything I'v ever had.

The PS3 version is not the same resolution dude I risk my bubbles telling the truth on a site that does not want to hear it(plus source divice).

Clearly not the same I put my life on it.

EDIT: By the way where do people see the demo on the actaul consoles?, I can't find it on XBL.


#1.5 I agree the 360 has RGB as well. I don't get why people try to use tha...

5643d ago 6 agree37 disagreeView comment

On my new hp touchsmart 504 IQ the 360 verison clearly has superior contrast, color and textures. The 360 version is sharper, 27-28 seconds in the 360 version has graphical effects missing in the PS3 version period, no amount of attacks will change that.

I'v noticed there is alot of anti MSFT news post on this site now that are simply not true.


EDIT: Don't cry you have to pause it to see the what Im talking about or it could be your inferior...

5643d ago 13 agree84 disagreeView comment

Freeeee is as free doesssss.

5644d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Look at all these PS3 losers in here crying lol.

Good lord have these moronic PS3 nuts seen inside the worm(WOW).

Look at how these rabid POS fanboys attack #1, in the openzone lol

Too bad no one pays these idiots any mind outside of PS3 fanboy land.

5644d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Idiots can't even comprehend the god dam article/info and this rabid fool is calling me out. Get your mind right and your facts.

No one cares what PS3 fanboys say, your twisting of the truth no longer works hence the PS3 being left in the dust in sales/dev support/popular opinion. lol


Makes sense for the quarter though PS3 has no real appealing exclusive AAA's to take up gamers cash lol.

5645d ago 1 agree23 disagreeView comment

LOL at the fucin retarded PS3 fanboys thinking EA's report is proof PS3 is doing well.

The article that stated EA reported PS3 being the bigger bread winner was followed up by another post stating it was because Sony reports in real time(sale by sale) vs MSFT doing it two different times that land in two different sales window periods. lol

5645d ago 2 agree30 disagreeView comment

LOL at your account.

Funny comment.

I said a year and a half ago it takes Europe and Japan a little longer to welcome change when it comes to trusted electronics.

5647d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

Home is like the social system in TestDrive unlimited with more to offer but has the same boring core mechanic and purpose(nobody used it)

PS3 fanboys would be better off if they would STFU and go away vs the rabid attacks and over hyping.

5653d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

From the sounds of the retail workers many other consumers agree about BD not being worth it, retail employee's beg consumers to buy PS3 boasting blu-ray while begging as if PS3's where wasting space.

5653d ago 4 agree15 disagreeView comment

PS3 is inferior, fucin PS3 losers trying to hype that POS like they did with PS2.

Everybody knows PS3 is not the super computer it is boasted to be hence nobody wanting the console; with PS3 being in the dvd market which is the only thing keeping it alive.

Shop workers beg me to buy PS3 in shops using Blu-ray movie excuses on why I should get one.
Sony payed shops and electronic stores to flood displays with LBP. lol

Sony is so desperate they're...

5653d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

If people cared PS3 would be doing alot better in sales.

What's with this PS3 fan desperate agenda?

5653d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment